Accessing and using OneView

OneView is your online pension portal providing you with 24/7 personalised access to your pension. You can log on and see exactly how your pension works and make changes to ensure that all your information is up to date.
On OneView you can:
- Access your Pension Payslips and P60s
- Change your personal information
- Update your Beneficiary Information to indicate who you want to receive any benefits payable after your death
- See your latest pension statement for deferred membership
- Access My Retirement Planner
If you have registered to use OneView but have forgotten your login details, you can go to the OneView log in page then click on Forgot your user ID or passcode?
Before you start you will need the personal registration code provided within your Aptia OneView welcome letter. If you have not received your welcome letter or don’t have it anymore, you can call Aptia on 0345 528 0601 (9am-5pm, Monday to Friday).
Or you can submit a request via Aptia’s secure online portal, Contact Aptia Pensions. Select the OneView option and complete your details.
If you experience any issues whilst resetting your login details online, try the Aptia help page.
You can also call Aptia’s dedicated Helpline for Cadent Gas Pension Scheme members on 0345 528 0601 (9am-5pm, Monday to Friday).
If you would prefer to send a letter, you can send this to Aptia at Maclaren House, Talbot Road, Stretford, Manchester, M32 0FP