Need to update us?

In order to look after your pension, the Scheme’s Administrator, Aptia, may need to know if your personal details or circumstances have changed. You can inform them of most changes by either:
- Logging in to Aptia’s portal, OneView.
- Submitting a request to Aptia’s secure online portal, Contact Aptia Pensions
- Calling Aptia on 0345 528 0601. This is a dedicated Helpline for Cadent Gas Pension Scheme members. Lines are open 9am-5pm, Monday to Friday.
- Writing to Aptia at Maclaren House, Talbot Road, Stretford, Manchester, M32 0FP. Please quote your full name, National Insurance number and the Scheme name in any correspondence.
Make sure your details are up to date on OneView so that we are always ready to communicate with you, and so that we can look after your Scheme benefits.
You can tell us if you would prefer us to send any messages to you by email rather than the post. Email means you get any important messages quicker. Plus, your messages can stay in your email inbox where you can’t lose them.
Simply do this by logging into OneView, then updating your preference on the ‘personal details’ section.
Please note that there are some communications that will need to be issued by post.
Log in or sign up to OneViewIt’s very important for Aptia to have your up-to-date address. If they don’t have the correct address for you, you could miss out on important messages.
The quickest way to update your address is by logging in to OneView or by submitting a request to Aptia’s online portal, Contact Aptia Pensions. In most cases, Aptia can update your details right away using online verification. But if more information is needed, you can easily upload any proof of address documentation securely to the portal.
The Trustee and its administrator takes security very seriously, and is therefore mindful of the potential for fraud if post is undelivered; it is therefore very important that you keep your address details up to date.
To tell Aptia about a change of name, you’ll need to provide them with the supporting legal documents (such as a marriage certificate or deed poll). The easiest way is to provide a scanned copy online via Aptia’s online portal, Contact Aptia Pensions.
If you’re not able to do this, call the team on 0345 528 0601 (9am-5pm, Monday to Friday) to talk about your options. You may need to provide a certificate or original copy of the legal documents in the post.
The quickest way to let Aptia know about your new bank details is via Aptia’s online portal, Contact Aptia Pensions.
If you don’t have online access, you’ll need to send a signed, written instruction to Aptia at Maclaren House, Talbot Road, Stretford, Manchester, M32 0FP. Make sure you include the new bank details (account number and sort code), and quote your name, National Insurance number, and the Scheme name in any correspondence so that Aptia can identify you.
If your bank details change, please let us know in good time so that the change can be made for the following month’s pension payment. Usually, it takes 15 to 20 working days to update bank details. This is because we need to verify the bank details with the bank.
If a member of the Cadent Gas Pension Scheme has passed away, you’ll need to inform Aptia.
How to report a deathYou can see who you’ve nominated as your beneficiaries by logging into OneView or by contacting Aptia.
If you want nominate or change your beneficiaries, the quickest way is to do this through OneView. Alternatively you can upload the form on Contact Aptia Pensions.
Or you can sign and return the form to Aptia at Maclaren House, Talbot Road, Stretford, Manchester, M32 0FP. Please quote your full name, National Insurance number and the Scheme name in any correspondence.
There are two forms to use:
- A Letter of Intent. Also known as an Expression of Wish or a Nomination Form. This lets the Trustee know who you would like any lump sum death benefit to be paid to; the Trustee will take this form into account but is not bound by it. A lump sum death benefit may be payable if you are (a) a deferred member or (b) you are a pensioner member (not a dependant pensioner) whose pension has been in payment for less than 5 years. You do not need to complete a Letter of Intent if you are a pensioner member whose pension has been in payment for more than 5 years, or if you are a dependant pensioner.
- A Dependant Nomination Form. Where you are not married or do not have a Civil Partner, but you have a dependant, for example a partner who is living with you, then you can inform the Trustee of this relationship so that this person can be considered for a dependant pension on your death. There is no need to complete this form if you are married or have a Civil Partner as these circumstances are covered by the Rules of the Scheme and by general legislation.
If you already hold Power of Attorney or a Court of Protection Order for yourself or one of our members, or if you obtain one, please contact Aptia so they can update their records.
More on Power of Attorney